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Affichage des articles du octobre, 2017

Python, BeautifulSoup: select the only text in mutli-Imbriqued childs

< div id="parrent" > < ul > < li > < span > < span > hi, i want you to get me!!!! </ span > </ span > </ li > < li > < span > me too please!!!! </ span > </ li > </ ul > </ div >  Imaging in the example above we want to get all the texts withing the li, note there is only one text by li, but can be imbricated into multiple levels Tags. So how we get it using BeautifulSoup of course. the protperty .string don't do the job, here is a resume about .string:   If a tag has only one child, and that child is a NavigableString , the child is made available as .string : (a navigable string is such a text within a tag) for ex: < span > me too please!!!! </ span > here if we have a soup of span , and we call .string then it give as " me too please!!!! ...

Visual Studio Code: Formate and beautify PHP files and Laravel blade files with HTML markup on them (Formate the HTML)

The extension beautify just do it very well, either add php and any other file extension type to the config as said above here is an example : go to user settings (CTRL + comma) search for beautify in the field above, and identify the line beautify.language, then click left in the pencil icon and click replace in settings. It will add the config to the right (user settings). for html section just add php and blade.php OTHERWISE: you can also do it directly , type F1 then write beautify , the auto completion give you two choices beautify selection or beautify file . Choose the one you need , and it will do the job. that's a straight direct way . You can also add a keybinding to have a keyboard shortcut , here how to do it: open keybindings.json (go file>preferences>keyboard shortcuts ) click in above open and edit keybindings.json add the following into the closed brackets [] { "key": "alt+b", "command"...

Python: dictionary, keys and testing if a key exist

 get() methode for retrieval (no exception): Using get() methode there is no need to handle any exception return the value if exist, None if not. ex: dic = { 'key1' : 'value1' } dic.get( 'key1' ) # out: 'value1' dict.get( 'key2' ) # out: None ====> you can specify a second argument, a value to be returned in case the key don't exist ex:  aValue = "i'm the replacement" dic.get('key2',aValue)  # out:  i'm the replacement  Test if a key exist: We use if [] in [] :   key = "key2"   if key in dictionary :         print("key exist")   else:         print("key Don't exist")